Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness mostly in elderly population . It is a silent, painless, progressivedisease that worsens with age in turn  affects the optic nerve and have a tendency to follow the lineages. The condition many a times remain asymptomatic and then at sudden speed up from vision loss to permanent total blindness.

What can lead to Glaucoma?

This often happens due to raised intraocular  pressure  that in turn is result of multiple pathological conditions or due to physiological ageing. 
  • The channel through which aqueous humor in eye gets blocked at times and this results in stagnation of fluid; this build up the intraocular pressure resulting in compression of option nerve ; thus glaucoma.
  • There are other causes that have less chances to land up in glaucoma which can be injury to eye by a blunt object, infections of eye , chemicals in eye , ischemic end arteries of eye or severe inflammation. 
Who are more prone?

A person having family history of glaucoma
 A diabetic patient 
Elderly ( >40 years)
Person affecting the eyesight
Person with high cholesterol level
Patients with Coronary Heart Disease or emboli
Patients with eye infection
Those with refractive defects

Does It present in different kinds?

Glaucoma presents in multiple variants:
  1. NORMAL TENSION GLAUCOMA: The glaucoma that presents with normal intraocular pressure but show symptoms of optic nerve compression.
  2. PIGMENTARY GLAUCOMA:  When the shards of coloured iris hinders the viscosity of aqueous humor.
  3. SECONDARY GLAUCOMA: When the glaucoma is due to any underlying condition like diabetes and hypotension etc.
  4. OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA: The draining pathway of fluid is structurally well but still the flow is hindered.
  5. CLOSE ANGLE GLAUCOMA: The structure of drainage pathwayget narrow thus in turnblock the drainage.
How does it indicate?

The major symptom of glaucoma is poor vision, it worsens with time. The othe symptoms are 
  • Inflamed eye
  • Haziness 
  • Dark spots around light
  • Painful eye
Can It be Prevented?

Glaucoma can be prevented in some cases; even if the disease is inherited it's worsening  can be prevented by taking care of hygiene and nutrition along with the following measures:
  • Go for regular eye check ups.
  • Cover your eyes from excessive sunlight, dirt and over pressure, especially when your lineage is tracing glaucoma. 
  • Don't overstress your eyes , exercise your intraocular muscles to maintain the function.
Can It Be Treated?

Yes, the disease can be treated through multiple approaches be it conservative or surgical. 

Conservative Approach:
  • Eye drops can be used to clear the blockage in path of flow of aqueous humor.
  • Various methods to decrease the intraocular pressure includes the regular drainage or eye drops.
  • Medications including carbonic anhydrase and beta blockers are used to enhance drainage and at time slow down the process of creation of humor.
Surgical Approach:
  • Laser surgery involves trabeculoplasty, Iridotomy and  cylphotocoagulation.
  • Microsurgery is done to dig a new pathway to the flow of aqueous humor.

Dr. Birendra Jha is one of the best Lasik surgeon in Indore and provide the Lasik eye surgery, Cataract surgery, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, Orbit Oculoplasty and Squint treatment in Indore at very low cost. Book an Appointment today call us +91-88199-24707, +91-99771-41260  for  more information. 

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